Two really old (about 60 years) Philadelphus varieties are in bloom now and worthy of a visit. One is single and the other a ‘quill’ type and both have lovely scent although you may need a ladder to get to the ‘quill’ type! I haven’t been able to name them and neither can the Botanical Gardens in Dublin.
Rosa ‘Rambling Rector’ is towering to the very top of a 60 year old Pittosporum tenuifolium. Nobody told this Pittosporum that its ultimate height should be around 8 metres and so it has soared much higher!
That strangely holly-like (but no relation) shrub Desfontainia spinosa from The Andes is flowering now with its lovely tubular orange bells.
The seating areas at Knockrose are secluded and peaceful so why not take a visit here and give your body a rest and your senses a treat!
087-6193455 or 01-2958371